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Friday, October 20, 2006

The value of nothing

How much is the value of nothing? You could answer nothing. But I think is not quite like that. Think about it.

Imagine agricultural products, everyday you go to the market and you see a lot of agricultural products, but as you can imagine not all products are sold, so they will rotten and go to the garbage. If the purpose of fruit is to be eaten or to be made in a different plant then all those fruits were for nothing, but they cost a lot (not only money but also resources).

Imagine now CD’s. Every year, record companies produce numerous CD’s, but like vegetables and fruits not all are sold, with time they loose any value for the company so they are destroyed. If the purpose of a CD is to be listen then all those CD’s were for nothing, but they cost a lot (not only money but also resources).

Like this two examples many products go to the garbage or are destroyed and will never be used or consumed. You can say that the real value of them is nothing, well probably that is true, but it is a nothing that costs a lot.

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