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Monday, October 23, 2006

The freedom of dressing

Should people be entitled to dress whatever they want? If we lived in a "black and white" world then the answer should be yes. And should people be entitled to wear veils in public places? Probably the answer would be also yes. But the world is "grey" and these answers aren’t so easy.
Dress codes exists for a long time and are not new now. For instance, going to one extreme, imagine nudists. Where I come from is against the law to be naked on public places, but why shouldn’t we let people be free to wear (or in this case not wear) the clothes? And, if a teacher goes naked to school? Probably you would answer no, she can not. And why, for one simple fact that is public indecency. But why? Because in our culture (almost common to all western culture) the nudity is, in our minds, connected to sex, and in catholic cultures (and many others also) sex is indecent. Isn’t the same process happening with veils?


Stran said...

I think yes (of course not the example itself). Veils are becoming an icon of Muslim culture and we are connecting Muslim cultures with oppression of women rights, which is against the law. These dressing laws are a easy way out to this fact, in general the politicians are saying you can do that on the "streets" (thus defending religious freedom) but not on “our places” (thus opposing the oppression of women rights), which is wrong. The secularism is being an excuse to this fact and I think is not by chance that these laws are just now arising.
So, I don’t think we should prohibit the use of veils (not the case for completely cover veils), or crucifix, or any other personal objects on places of the state, on the grounds of secularism but fight, in our day by day life, the people who use these places to promote religious thoughts. It is not the easy way out but is the only way to separate true extremists from ordinary people.

E. said...

The use of veil is political and from what the Muslim women claim, it has nothing to do with their beliefs, but their opression.It's so unbelievable to see the place of women in Islam is reduced to nothing and now they seek their "freedom" through veil.

I utterly agree with you, Stran!

Stran said...


I would just love to read what a muslim person would say about this subject.