I look into the world and i think that we live a great time, where, in a click you can talk to people all around the world.

Interested in being a member (click here) or if you just want to leave a short message (click here)

Friday, September 15, 2006

Short Speech

This space is created if you want to leave a post/message to be published but you don't want yet to be a member. You just have to leave your message at the "comment" area of this post and it will be published (depending on the article) with your signature at this site.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Wall of Speech Statement

1) This will be a public blog. Anyone who wants to be a member only has to write a coment stating that he or she wants to be a member or send a email to stran_ger69@hotmail.com.

2) Once they are members they will be able to write any kind of posts that he or she feels like.

3) There will be no limitation to what a member writes.

4) The writer knows that he/she is the only responsible for what harm may happen because of his/hers post.

5) No one will be banned because of what he/she writes, but they are the only responsible for their posts;

6) The topics are free of any limits, you can talk about anything you like (your enemy, your complaint, your way of thinking, advertise, etc...);

7) The respect for any opinion is the only rule.


Friday, September 01, 2006

The begining...

First it was the word, then came the blog